The Match Where I Hurt My Ear
I hear a blast, and pain shoots up my ear. I fall, and then get up. I feel a little un-easy, like I’m about to puke. People are glancing at my ear strangely, and I ask them what happened, they wouldn’t answer, and I continue my game.
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! The bell rings, I get out of drama class, and hurry down the stairs. I’m running to Q2, my class where my cubby is, and I run to the soccer pitch. I see the game has already started, and my team has the ball, one guy on my team scores. And everyone is cheering and running after him, and then I see that the other teams’ goalie has kicked the ball and is high in the air. The ball lands right at See Won’s feet, (See Won is a guy on the other team) and he is running right toward me. This is my chance I think, I can get the ball now. I run toward See Won, but before I tell you what happens let me tell you this, running toward him was a big blunder. He kicks the ball and it hits me right in the ear impacting like a ball of fire. The bell rings again and I go to math class, where I have to do algebra. The teacher is writing stuff on the board about the algebraic equations, but I can’t bear the throbbing pain in my ear. Has something gone wrong? I think, because I have gotten hit by balls in the ear a billion times but it never hurt this much. I interrupt her lesson and ask if I could have a nurse pass. She lets me go. The nurse says it isn’t a big problem, and I will be fine in days. She gives me some ice to put on. I go back to class. And the bell rings right then, it’s time to go home. I reach home and my mom isn’t there, I ask my maid where she is, but she says she is at the mall. That means I’m alone at home. I do some studying and the bell rings. I run to get it and it is my big brother, I tell him about the damage, and he says it will be fine. My mom comes later on and gives me a pain killer pill, I swallow it and I go to bed. When I put my head on the pillow, my ear burns! I have to sleep straight! But I eventually fall asleep. Next morning my ear is black, I ask my mom and she says it will peel after a while.
My ear is OK now, it doesn’t hurt but it is still black, I am happy I am OK now and I will try to continue my like without getting hurt like this again!