Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New words

  1. Resurrected- to bring back to life; raise from the dead.
  2. Discreetly- maintaning silence, not really noticed, a slight sound or noise that is not really heard.
  3. Martyred- a person who is put to death or endures great suffering on behalf of any belief, principle, or cause.
  4. Spontaneous- acting wothout thinking, suprising.
  5. Rowdies- kind of crazy, annoying, not intolerable or nefarious, but not good behaviour..
  6. Scouring- to look really carefully, like when scrubbing a pan.
  7. Pledge- a really strong promise.
  8. Putrefy- the smell when something is rotting.
  9. Proposterous- not what is going on, tottaly out of what is happening.
  10. Brazier- a square type of pot where you cook hot dogs on.

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