Monday, February 1, 2010

Journal Entry 2/2/10

Today I am going to talk about how much I hate rap music, rap is so boring, and its still boring. It has no rythem, but metal is awesome. It has a beat, and it has cool instruments like guitar, and drums, and bass. Rap is just A DJ playing music and people rhyming to it. The lyrics are boring in rap, but in metal the lyrics are cool. And if you are in a concert, you dont have much fun in a rap concert, you do in a rock concert, because you can headband and mosh everywhere. If you go to a metal concert you will have the time of your life, you wont in a rap concert. Once again, I will say that rap is boring, and metal and rock is not. But rap does have its advantages and disadvantages. 70% of the world listen to music, 30% do not. In that 70%, 30% listen to rap, and 10% listen to metal. That is one advantage of rap, so if the percentage is more, then more people will be encouraged to try to listen to the genre of the music.

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