Saturday, September 19, 2009

Night of The Living Dummy 2 by R.L Stine *****

This book is about a girl named Amy, her family is talented, but she isnt. Her sister is a good painter, her brother is good at telling jokes.... but she isnt good at anything. So she starts playing with dummies, she has one, and his name is Dennis, but he is kind of broken, his head keeps falling off, Amy wants a new one. Then her dad got her a new one........ thats when the trouble began. His name was Slappy, as she bought it, there as a paper inside the dummy, it had a few wierd words on it, and Amy said them. Then, Slappy came alive, he was doing bad things to Amy, but when she tells her family, they dont beleive her. So she needed proof, so one night she made her parents sit in the closet and watch. Slappy came running out and as painting the walls. Then her amily believed her.

My favorite part is when Slappy was fighting Amy, it was like they were killing each other, Slappy was choking Amy, Amy as choking Slappy, it was quiet an awesome scene.

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