Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Journal Entry 27/1/10

I just keep thinking about going on an adventure one day, something like climbing a mountain, sailing across oceans, stuff like that. But barely people get chances, climbing a mountain costs a load, sailing across oceans will take alot of time and will also cost a load. People should be given a chance in life to get to go on an adventure. If I had to pick an adventure to go on, I would go scuba diving, looking for a sunken ship underwater. I would be darn excited to do that, it would just be amazing. Going underwater, looking at all those fish and sea creatures, wow. One day I will go on an adventure, maybe not scuba diving but any type of adventure. Adventures are fun, cool, you can get a learning expirience, and they're just awesome.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Yash, don't lose sight of this adventure. You could actually go scuba diving on a sunken ship. Someday....but keep it a the front of your mind.
