This is one of the best books i have ever read. This is the fifth and last book of the Percy Jackson series, it is about this boy named Percy Jackson, who's dad is a greek god named Poseidon, Posiedon is the god of water, he controls and lives in the ocean, and Percy's mom, is just an ordinary person, who is about to get married to another guy named Paul Blofis. The propblem in the story is that Kronos (the evil god and titan of time) is rising again, after being cut up by his son, which is Zeus, the lord of the sky. Zues is Posiedon's brother. It is the prophecy that told percy that he is the one who has to make the biggest decision in he world, to save the world or to destroy it. Of course he saves the world. Kronos has taken over one of Percy's enemies. His enemy has to fight out Kronos' spirit and save himself, but he cant so he has to kill himself to kill Kronos. So the decision was that if percy will give a sword to his enemy so hell will kill himself or not. The book was a very very good book. I would rate it 5 stars. Its just another great book by Rick Riordan.
The Last Olympian looks like a very creative idea, mixing the Greek gods of centuries past with characters of our world today. I like it. The format of a book post is to spend a very little time with an overview of the story, then go into depth with the best part. Try that method on your next book, Yash.
Percy is kind of like, Oddyseus and Hercules ,half human, half god. the front cover is kinda real and graphical(I have no idea if graphical is a word or not)
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