Deaths Shadow is a very good book, it is one of the best books I have ever read, it is about a girl named Bec, who has benn dead for 1600 years, and her spirit went into another persons dead body, Bec was killed by Lord Loss, one of the masters of the Demonata universe, he is a a very strong demon, but now he is not the biggest threat to humanity, now there is another demon, with no name, and no one knows much about him, but have seen him, now he is the scariest demon in the world, and Bec is about to fight him. Bec has a friend, named Beranabus, he is half demon half human, and the new demon is immortal, it cant die, but we can make it go away, and the only way to do that is to fight, demon-demon, in the end Beranabus lets the demon take over in his body and fights the strong demon, but unfortunately, Beranabus dies. Later they find out that the Demon has a force, it is like gravity, but it isnt gravity. It is
death. And nobody can kill death. It is a very good book, my suggestion is read it. My favorite part is when Beranabus dies, he was killed by deat, and he was hit by death, so that means he died. He let the demon in his body take over and turn into a demon. Beranabus was alive for 1600 years, because he is a demon, but he is now finnaly death.
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