This is the second last book of the demonata series, and I'm telling you it's just great, it's a must read, it is one of the greatest books I have ever read.It is about Kernel, it starts off when they are still with Beranabus, and then they go on this boat where they meet Juni, and Beranabus dies, and then the zombies attack Kernel and he falls into a portal. In the portal he sees a ball of light, and the ball of light keeps following him and is trying to convince Kernel to come with him. Finally Kernel goes with him, and the ball of light tells him that he is an Old Creature, and Kernel gets shocked. The creature takes Kernel to the land of The old creatures, and he asks Kernel if he would stay and guard it to keep everyone safe, and this is the biggest decision of Kernel's life. Should Kernel stay at the land and leave all of his friends, or go back to Earth and put the creatures life in danger. Finally
Kernel decides to go back to Earth and stay with his friends, but when he opens a portal to Earth, he lands where all of his friends are, but there is a demon attack and he has to fight with his friends, he wins the battle, and he asks his friend to fill him in with whats happened to them, they tell him that Beranabus is dead and he is devastated, and they discuss a plan to try to free Beranabus's soul from the demon that killed him, so they open a portal to the inside of the demons body, they find Beranabus inside, and they free his ghost, but they kill the demon and there is another demon attack. But they win it. And the book ends there.
My favorite part is when the demon attack happens, Grubbs is attacking all the demon and killing them, Bec is fighting hard using magic, and Kernel is fighting hard too. And it describes in detail about how the werewolves and eating all the demons.It was a good part
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